Independent Studio for Experienced Fused Glass Makers
Our next independent studio session starts on March 31 and goes through June 7, 2025.

There are three independent studio periods per week. Each is three hours long. There is a studio monitor in each period to ensure access to the site, show people where the equipment is, and to make sure the studio is tidy before everyone leaves. This person is not an instructor. Rather, this is an opportunity to come together with other fused glass enthusiasts to make art. Classes have a total of ten (10) participants, including the studio monitors per session.

Between each session of classes, we schedule a Studio Maintenance activity, that we ask you to participate in. You will be notified of the date soon after class begins or check this link for details on class clean-up. It's fun, and the more hands that faster the clean-up goes! 

Glass, molds, cutters, tools, etc., can be purchased through our online store.

PLEASE NOTE: Our venue also hosts a daycare program, therefore, we try to enter the facility as a group and exit as a group. 

For more information please email:

Register for Independent Studio

    • 03/31/2025
    • 06/02/2025
    • 10 sessions
    • Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96817
    • 8

    Registration closes on March 31, 2025

    Monday Evening, Independent Studio Session

    "Train Hoomaluhia," by instructor Liz TrainAre you ready to take the leap and work on your own? Independent Studio is open to people that have taken at least 2 instructional classes with one of our instructors, or if you are experienced in glass fusing and would like an exception, please email us a request to join Independent Studio. Each studio session offers you a community to collaborate and share in the joy of fusing glass and making art! There is a studio monitor there to show people where studio equipment can be found, and to make sure the studio is tidy before everyone leaves. This studio monitor is not an instructor!

    Independent Studio Time

    Mondays, 6 PM – 9PM

    Independent Studio session entails:

    • Three hour period to make glass
    • Firing on site*
    • Equipment:  Ring saw,  tile saw, grinder, circle cutter, band saw, drill press, lap grinder, & belt sander
    • Frit, stringers, noodles, enamel powders, & paper are sold on on site
    • Glass and additional supplies can be purchased through our online store
      *Firing is done on premises. Each person is allowed 12 square feet per 10 week session but not all at once, meaning that firing should not be done at the end of the semester.

      Octopus Platter, by instructor Kathryn Farley


      Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy., Honolulu, HI 96817(Turn Left onto Jack Lane from Pali Hwy., and make your first left into the parking lot).

      We ask that all students participate in the Studio Maintenance and Class Clean-up session that is between semesters a couple of times a year. The date will be announced soon after class begins, or you can check our Class Cleanup page for more information. A reminder will be emailed to you before the end of the session.

      Experienced Glass Fusers:

      A GFC member who is not currently enrolled in this class or Independent Studio session may register to use the Outdoor Equipment Only, and not be enrolled in Independent Studio. This gives the member access to all the equipment that is in the outdoor area of the studio. It does not include the indoor grinders or glass cutting equipment. The available times are Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday evenings.


      GFC General Liability_COVID waiver_1-24-22.pdf

      • 04/01/2025
      • 06/03/2025
      • 10 sessions
      • Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96817
      • 10

      Registration closes on April 1 2025.

      Tuesday Evening, Independent Studio Session

      "Train Hoomaluhia," by instructor Liz TrainAre you ready to take the leap and work on your own? Independent Studio is open to people that have taken at least 2 instructional classes with one of our instructors, or if you are experienced in glass fusing and would like an exception, please email us a request to join Independent Studio. Each studio session offers you a community to collaborate and share in the joy of fusing glass and making art! There is a studio monitor there to show people where studio equipment can be found, and to make sure the studio is tidy before everyone leaves. This studio monitor is not an instructor!

      Independent Studio Time

      Tuesdays, 6 PM – 9PM

      Independent Studio session entails:

      • Three hour period to make glass
      • Firing on site*
      • Equipment:  Ring saw,  tile saw, grinder, circle cutter, band saw, drill press, lap grinder, & belt sander
      • Frit, stringers, noodles, enamel powders, & paper are sold on on site
      • Glass and additional supplies can be purchased through our online store
        *Firing is done on premises. Each person is allowed 12 square feet per 10 week session but not all at once, meaning that firing should not be done at the end of the semester.

        Octopus Platter, by instructor Kathryn Farley


        Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy., Honolulu, HI 96817(Turn Left onto Jack Lane from Pali Hwy., and make your first left into the parking lot).

        We ask that all students participate in the Studio Maintenance and Class Clean-up session that is between semesters a couple of times a year. The date will be announced soon after class begins, or you can check our Class Cleanup page for more information. A reminder will be emailed to you before the end of the session.

        Experienced Glass Fusers:

        A GFC member who is not currently enrolled in this class or Independent Studio session may register to use the Outdoor Equipment Only, and not be enrolled in Independent Studio. This gives the member access to all the equipment that is in the outdoor area of the studio. It does not include the indoor grinders or glass cutting equipment. The available times are Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday evenings.


        GFC General Liability_COVID waiver_1-24-22.pdf

        • 04/05/2025
        • 06/07/2025
        • 10 sessions
        • Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96817
        • 4

        Registration closes on April 2, 2025.

        Saturday Afternoon, Independent Studio Session

        "Train Hoomaluhia," by instructor Liz TrainAre you ready to take the leap and work on your own? Independent Studio is open to people that have taken at least 2 instructional classes with one of our instructors, or if you are experienced in glass fusing and would like an exception, please email us a request to join Independent Studio. Each studio session offers you a community to collaborate and share in the joy of fusing glass and making art! There is a studio monitor there to show people where studio equipment can be found, and to make sure the studio is tidy before everyone leaves. This studio monitor is not an instructor!

        Independent Studio Time

        Saturdays, 1 PM – 4PM

        Independent Studio session entails:

        • Three hour period to make glass
        • Firing on site*
        • Equipment:  Ring saw,  tile saw, grinder, circle cutter, band saw, drill press, lap grinder, & belt sander
        • Frit, stringers, noodles, enamel powders, & paper are sold on on site
        • Glass and additional supplies can be purchased through our online store
          *Firing is done on premises. Each person is allowed 12 square feet per 10 week session but not all at once, meaning that firing should not be done at the end of the semester.

          Octopus Platter, by instructor Kathryn Farley


          Temple Emanu-El, 2500 Pali Hwy., Honolulu, HI 96817(Turn Left onto Jack Lane from Pali Hwy., and make your first left into the parking lot).

          We ask that all students participate in the Studio Maintenance and Class Clean-up session that is between semesters a couple of times a year. The date will be announced soon after class begins, or you can check our Class Cleanup page for more information. A reminder will be emailed to you before the end of the session.

          Experienced Glass Fusers:

          A GFC member who is not currently enrolled in this class or Independent Studio session may register to use the Outdoor Equipment Only, and not be enrolled in Independent Studio. This gives the member access to all the equipment that is in the outdoor area of the studio. It does not include the indoor grinders or glass cutting equipment. The available times are Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday evenings.


          GFC General Liability_COVID waiver_1-24-22.pdf

        Register For Outdoor Equipment Use

        • No Upcoming Outdoor Equipment Use Registrations

        Past Independent Studio